Thursday, November 15, 2012

Twicia's Potty-Twaining Tweets! (or... TV's Tricia O'Kelley Reports From the Frontlines of Her Kid's Bottom!)

You might recognize Tricia O'Kelley as "Mean Mom Marly"from the tv show "New Adventures of Old Christine."  

But in real life, she's a not-so-mean mom who has embraced the technological age by tweeting... yes, TWEETING, about her little girl Charlie's toilet training progress.  I can't think of a more perfect candidate to contribute to a blog such as this.
                   (You can catch this hottie-mommy-actress on Two and A Half Men TONIGHT, Friday Nov 15th, as she gets busy "training" Ashton Kutcher, so watch for her.  And be sure to tune in to her on our hit web-series BITTER, PARTY OF 5!.  You can also find them on twitter: @BitterPartyof5.)

Potty-training Weekend. Day 1, Hour 1:

Diaper replaced with Elmo underwear. 

 — Tricia O'Kelley (@TriciaOKelley)

Potty-training Weekend. Day 1, Hour 2:

I'm probably gonna need a new rug. 

--Tricia O'Kelley (@TriciaOKelley) 


Potty-training Weekend. Day 2, Hour 1:

Peed on herself without even blinking an eye.

--Tricia O'Kelley(@TriciaOKelley) 


--Tricia O'Kelley(@TriciaOKelley) 

Potty-training Weekend. Day 2, Hour 2:

Was just thinking this couldn't get any worse, and then I realized she hasn't pooped yet.

Potty-training Weekend. 

Day 3:

She pooped on the floor, 

stepped in it,

then my dog tried to eat it.  

Off to a great start! 

P.S. Does anyone want a free dog? 

Success!! Success!! Success!! Success!! 


That counts.... right?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Hey, I did a number two!
I feel accomplished and worthy of applause!
And that's why Potty Davis, Jr. says, 
"Alllll RIGHT! You outta SIGHT, baby!  
So get down witcher potty-trained, poopin self!"

(Potty Davis Jr. sounds a lot like James Brown.  
But I swear this potty is not racist.)